Friday, October 3, 2008

For all YOU do this one's for YOU.....

This is the SMILE award. No gold medal, no fame and fortune is attached to it. What is attached is a Thank You. I am passing this along to people here in the Blog Neighborhood that have bought a Smile to my face. Either by a kit they have designed, or a page that has made me laugh, a friendly place to visit and sit for awhile, or just a kind comment on one of my pages. Smiles like memories..fill your heart...and that's such a nice feeling. So I am passing it on to some very special people....
Miss Gerri - for every laugh and every box of depends that I have had to go thru since meeting you.
Miss Judy - your pages make my heart smile, because that's where you scrap from.
Miss Scarlett - For always making the veranda a beautiful place to come and visit.
Miss Carol - Between your awesome designs, your beautiful photos and your wonderful pages, I am always smiling.
Dear Mat - Your house hunting and fur babies always bring me a smile.
Elisa - When I see that you have taken the time to come in and leave such nice comments on one of my pages, along with the comment you have given me a smile.
Chris - you make my mouth not only smile but water (lol) with all your wonderful recipes. Also your wonderful creative pages.
If you right click you should be able to save this and then please pass it on to all who have brought smiles to your faces and your hearts....Hugs Ladies and thank you!

1 comment:

Elisa said...

Dearest Linda, thank you so much for your kind words. I sure enjoy coming by visiting your blog and seeing what you've been working on with creativity and a loving spirit. So - you make me smile, and often remind me of how important it is to capture a moment, a snapshot, a memory :) Thank you so much for thinking of me, and have a wonderful digi scrapping weekend!