Saturday, March 17, 2012

The last few

I guess I won't complain, a couple weeks ago this area was covered with 14 fun lovin inches of that white stuff!! These are the last couple of piles in the front. Today it will be in the 70's and yes I have every door and window open!!!! Now understand I am not wanting it to be 100 in the shade but oh I have been looking forward to some kind of sign that spring and summer are coming (other than the flies and the bugs and the wood ticky tickies that are all ready here)
Dennis is finishing the maple syrup this weekend, the trees are done for this year I think. If how the steam smells is any indication of what this stuff will taste like WOW.
Been busy watching Sam the Man the last couple weeks, Daddy is still working out of town and Mommy is working too, so me and Grandpa are spending some time with him. He has had a bit of an attitude the last few days but I think it's because he misses daddy.
Hey before I forget Happy St Pats day!! Have you all got your corned beef simmering away?? Mine is in the slow cooker, somewhere around 6 we should be having corned beef and cabbage!! Once a year I am Irish....have a loaf of Irish Soda bread on the counter (no I did not bake it) House will smell kind of funky for a day but it's worth it.
Ok my friends I have some laundry to take care of and Dennis is going to be needing my help soon so off I go to make memories....Hope you are too!!
As always Dear Hearts..."Fill it to the Brim" every drop is important and every drop needs to be cherished.
Hugs and love always

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