Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Things happen....

Been away from the computer for a bit, sorry...but I have a good reason Really!!
Dennis was in the driveway (gravel by the way) brushing Kota. He had her on a retractable leash because he could keep her in one spot better, she likes to investigate everything! Well I decided to walk down to get the mail, and stopped to say hi to them and then on my way...Kota decided to come with me, only running at full speed, Dennis lost the leash and she was heading for the road(which at this time of year has alot of big farm vehicles on it) I tried stepping on the leash but missed and decided to just fall on it( I did get the gravel out of my knees by the way) but the leash kept retracting after she stopped...retracting at about 30 miles an hour around my right leg. I now have a 2ND degree rope burn on my right leg!! Talk about pain Holy you know what!!!
I have been putting Silverdene on it and I am taking antibiotics so hopefully it will get better. This happened a week ago today and let me tell you it still hurts!!!
My Doctor said it will take about another couple weeks to start feeling better. Sleep, sitting in one spot, walking, well doing anything has not been fun.
Hang in there tho I will get better and be back. Hugs and love to you all!!!!!!

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