Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who else but Miss KBB...

Ok ... No she is not trying out a new dance move here...we were at one of the boys softball games this past summer and she was throwing a pretend ball at Dennis, so he could pretend to hit it and she could pretend to run the all that?? Miss Beira you are truly so good at being you. And I for one am so very glad!! Love you bug.
Well Miss Carol is not the only one who has snow in her forecast, yup, they have said the dreaded 4 letter word on my TV also. We might be getting some of that stuff on Sunday...not to happy a camper here. We still have leaves on the ground LOL I am so looking forward to that one hot day in August LOL
credits- my newest bit of wordart, the kit is by Pam Lefor "odds "n" ends 35, the pinwheels by Corine Papier

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