Saturday, September 27, 2008

When we are searching for something....

why is it that we miss what has been in front of us the whole time??
We have had rain this year, but not enough to really make the fall colors as brilliant as they had been in the past. I went for a drive the other day to try and find some trees that were turning and putting on a show. Well, I didn't find much...then as I was driving down the road our home is on, the sun hit just right and there it was!!! This was taken right down from our driveway. I put on all those miles and all I really had to do was look around, right in front of me!
I have to admit I am sometimes guilty of that in other things too. I think we all have been at one time or another. We need an answer, or just that certain something to make everything right in our world, so we search and spend time looking in everyplace we can...when the whole time it is right there, within our reach if we would just take the time to really look. Okay, enough being so deep. If I do that for to long I tend to get a headache!! LOL

I am now convinced that we are done with tomatoes at our house. I did two 5 gallon buckets today, that is one heck of alot of slicing and dicing and turning into juice! I am done I quit!!! My Dear hubby was informed of that today...NO More Tomatoes!!!!!

Loving wife(that be me with the tomato seeds and juice stains) "Honey, this is it, no more ok??"
Dear hubby " I think we've reach the end Dear, no more"
Loving and grateful wife " Oh good, I am so tired of chopping and dicing"
Dear hubby ( who apparently lost his hearing and did not hear my last comment) " Just in time too, cus the apples are ready on the trees out front"
You all can not believe how quiet it has been in our house today!!!!

Well Ladies, I am off to get ready to get comfy on the couch for awhile, have a crossword puzzle in the Woman's World magazine that is calling my name. I am going to just sit and Veg...oh I can not believe I used that word!!
I hope you all made memories today, you probably did and don't even know it. That's the thing about memories, they happen without us even knowing it!
I know it's late, but "Fill it to the Brim" It is never to late for that!!!
Hugs to you, all take care

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