Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fireworks, fun, friends.....

Dennis and I met some friends in a small town about 35 miles north of our place. Townsend is a town of about 970 people..but on the 4Th that number grows by about 1000 more. They have a fireworks display that would rival a big city. The money used to purchase the display is raised by donations all year. It is awesome. The photo of the fireworks is with a regular zoom. We were just about under the display! Thank you Chris and Donna for inviting us again. To Jim and Darla and your wonderful was great to meet you, have a safe trip back to Minnesota.
For those looking for my ramblings...I will be back later, I have a wee bit of a headache this morning and want to deal with that before it becomes a full force base drum marching above my left eye! In the mean time, go have some breakfast, grab a cup of coffee and start enjoying your day! Hugs till later!!

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