Saturday, March 8, 2008

It's Saturday.....

But didn't do alot of pondering today. I did watch my Dear Hubby get everything ready for maple syrup time. We will be tapping about 30-35 trees again this year. It was so funny watching him dig trenches to the trees through the 18 inches of snow. But the trees are leaking sap and if he didn't start now..well by the time the snow melts it would be to late. So we now have buckets hanging from our trees. Ladies..let me tell you..real honest to goodness syrup is the best. That first batch is so awesome.!!! I kid my Dear Hubby about being my own personal "Martha Stewart" but as she would's a good thing!!!
I spent time also today redoing some music here on my blog. I have decided that I was very lucky growing up..we listened to all types of music. My Mom would always have the radio going. My list of music I like goes from the Rolling Stones to Hank Locklin and everywhere in the middle. If you'd like pull up a comfy chair and listen for awhile. I'm thinking you might find something you like.
Well, I should go finish making supper, fried chicken tonight, actually fried then baked. Dear Hubby said he would watch it for me while I was in here but....he also has the outdoor channel on cable and he might get alittle side tracked...
Enjoy what is left of the day Ladies..make it count!! Take an ordinary moment and turn it into a lifetime memory. As always...fill it to the brim and savor each sip!
Hugs to you all!

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