Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Not really a soap box, just some thoughts...

The election is over, we have a new President to lead our country. I went into a local message board and was struck by all the messages. There were things written by bragging winners and sore losers. I would have loved to have seen things written not by Republicans, Democrats or Independents, but by Americans, willing to stand behind and support this new leader to try and make this country into what it should be, what we all want it to be. Nothing is perfect, nothing will be changed overnight, in fact it wont be changed at all if we are not willing to work together for that change. Who knows what either man would have done for our country?
We were faced with a decision in that voting booth today, now we are faced with a decision every day..do we sit back and complain or brag or do we do what we can to make sure that the right things start to happen. Tomorrow is another day, another chance to screw it up or get it right... I for one am going to do what I can to get it right.
Ok, just my humble opinion and yes I am entitled to voice it....I live in the United States of America and I can do that!!
Good night all and God Bless

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