Saturday, November 22, 2008

It is 10 degrees this morning,The perfect weather for..

grown men , want to be grown men and even some women to get up before dawn, put on every piece of orange clothing they own, walk thru a dark woods, climb into a tree stand and wait for an animal to come walking thru. Yup, it's deer season in Wisconsin (for those against hunting, my hubby is an excellent hunter, he doesn't always come back with anything, somedays he just sits and watches. But he does hunt, and we do make good use of the venison) We live in an area surrounded by woods so I am sitting here listening to the sound of rifle shots. None close enough to have been made by dear Hubby ( I can see his tree stand from the house)
Remember last year, hubby had all these rules, no smelly candles, no coffee brewing....this year was totally different. He relaxed his rules..(well I still couldn't burn any smelly candles ) but he had coffee brewing when I woke up!
I remember the good old days, BMUN (before moving up north) , Dear Hubby would start preparing for his journey to the deep wilderness about a month before he left. I would too!! Calling girlfriends, making plans for where we would go and all the fun we would have during the week of deer season....then we moved up he doesn't leave!!! Oh I suppose I could go into town and do some shopping, but I can do that anyday...the thrill of the hunting season is gone for me, no wild time for me and the girls, now it's just me and the pups!

Oh hey, Hubby got some of the painting done. Remember the green he fell in love with, well it is now on one wall in the living room and on the wall behind the fireplace in the family room( he calls these accent walls, he is retired and has been watching to much DIY television).

Do any of you know who "Wonder Pets" are? If you have little ones around, you probably do, well one of the characters is Ming Ming, a duck, Keira loves the show, loves Ming Ming and they have a talking one out for Christmas...ok I love my Granddaughter, would do any thing for her,,,but this yellow thing is $32.00, it sings the wonder pet song, raises an old soup can with a string on it to it's ear (supposed to be like those old tin can phones) and in a small voice says
" Dis is serweous" no I didn't type that wrong,it talks with a speech impediment. For $32 it should have a college degree and know how to talk!! And yes there will probably be one under the tree from Santa!!

Well ladies, I think I am going to get ready and go to town, hey a day shopping without dear Hubby, well sometimes that's a good thing. I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying your day, is it filling up with memories? Hope so!!!
As always "fill it to the brim" make every drop count for something, you will thank yourself later!!
Hugs my friends, take care, always

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