Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is my Grandpa Thibedeau, my Mom, Uncle Neal, and Uncle Jimmy. Not sure of the year, I would think late 1930's. My Mom couldn't remember for sure, but she looks around 9 or 10. If any of you remember, Al Capone, famous gangster. Well, he had a place not far from where my Mom grew up. In fact she went to school with some kids whose parents cleaned his house and did repairs around the place. She has told me so many stories about things that happened. Once when she and my grandma were walking to town, they saw a big black car coming, so they quickly hid in the woods. Two guys got out and drug a third into the woods. A few minutes later only two came out. If you check the Internet you will see that they have made his old house into a restaurant, it's called The Hideout.
credits- "Vintage" kit by Happy-Scrap

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